Fans & more

My Morning Jacket at Madison Square Garden 2008, photo by Dylan Pech
"We're not one of those bands that deliberately doesn't want a lot of people to get into us. We welcome anybody of all ages, races, and creeds to get into it."
- Jim James
(JamBase interview, January 2004)

The My Morning Jacket fandom
An attempt to describe the loveliness that is the Jacketeers; the people that never hesitate to take every opportunity to share stories of their first-hand experiences like war veterans comparing faded scars, and haggard fishermen demonstrating with outstretched hands just how big that legendary fish was (MMJ facebook fan club). Contains both the communities own comments, as well as quotes from the band.

Memes and rumors
Can they or can't they read? What is a laser harp? Does an orange construction worker hat make Tom Blankenship fly? If you like silly things or just gossiping in general, look no further than the memes and rumors section.
